Thursday, March 27, 2014

Interesting Math Stuff #12: Pythagoras

Pythagoras was a Greek mathematician, philosopher, and the founder of the religion Pythagoreanism. He is of course, best known for the pythagorean theorem: a2=b2=c2. 

The only writings about him were written many years after his death, so we are not sure of the validity of the facts about his life. It is known in Samos, Greece. It is said that a prophet told his pregnant mother that her child would be supremely wise, beautiful, and beneficial to mankind although this is debated. Pythagoras was not only a brilliant mathematician, but also made discoveries in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, and music. He was also said to have practiced divination and prophecy, often being associated with Apollo. According to some writings, he married a woman named Theano who bore him children including a son Telauges and three daughters Damo, Arignote, and Myia.

Math joke of the day: 
I strongly dislike the subject of math, however  I am partial to fractions. 

1 comment:

  1. Great historically grounded post! And that joke always makes me chuckle a little. Keep up the good work!
