Sabrina W. did her presentations on verifying trig equations by using trig identities. This is a hard lesson and it really helps to practice, practice, practice. There are only so many tips that Miss V and Sabrina can give us, the rest is critical thinking.
Rules for verifying trigonometric identities:
1. Work with only one side the equation
2. Factor an expression, add fractions, square binomials, or create a monomial denominator
3. Look for opportunities to use the fundamental identities
4. Convert all terms to sines and cosines if the preceding guidelines do not help
To verify trig equations, you really need to know your trig identities, especially your Reciprocal identities, Pythagorean identities, Quotient identities, Co-Function identities, and Parity identities. Because of the trig quizzes, you should have all these identities memorized, but if you don't or you just need some review, all the trig identities can be found in the back of or textbook and were also posted on edmodo.
Math joke of the day:
great explanation, and I love the math jokes!