Thursday, January 16, 2014

7.6: Graphs of Systems of Inequalities

7.6: Systems of inequalities 

Today we reviewed graphing systems of inequalities

Sketching the graph of an inequality in two variables

1) replace the inequality sight with an equal sign and sketch the graph of the resulting expression. 
2) test one point in each of the regions formed by the graph in Step 1. If the point satisfies the inequality, shade the entire region to denote that every point in the region satisfies the inequality. 
3) a solution of the system of inequalities in x and y is a point that satisfies each inequality in the system.  
4) Sometimes it is helpful to find the vertices of the solution region. 

Example of a graph of inequalities

Math joke of the day: 

Q: Why did the chicken cross the mobius strip?
A: To get to the same side.

1 comment:

  1. very nice graph and funny joke, interesting post.
