Monday, January 6, 2014

7.1: Substitution

Today was a very easy lesson concerning solving matrices by substitution and break even formulas. 

Substitution is accomplished by four easy steps. These steps are: isolate the variable, substitute for the  variable into the other equation, solve, and plug the value back into the either equation to find the value for the other variable (aka back substitution.) if after the problem is solved, the equation reads something false, such as 4=7, there is no solution. If the equation reads something like 4=4, then the solution is all reals. 

A situation 'breaks-even' then the total cost and the total revenue is equal. The total cost= (cost per unit)(number of units sold) + initial cost. The total revenue= (price per unit)(number of units sold). To find the situation that breaks even, set the total cost and the total revenue equal to each other and solve. 

Math joke of the day
Q: Why do they never serve beer at a math party? 
A: Because you can't drink and derive... 


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