Thursday, January 16, 2014

Interesting Math Stuff #2: David Blackwell

One Mathematician that I find especially interesting is David Blackwell, who contributed to the Rao-Blackwell theorem and was the first African American staff member at UC Berkeley and the first African American in the National Academy of Sciences. Blackwell David 1938 he earned his bachelor's degree in 1938  in mathematics (age 19), a master's degree in 1939 (age 20), and was awarded a PH.D. in mathematics in 1941 (age 22), all by the University of Illinois. He became the President of the Institute of Mathematical in 1956. 

I think that David Blackwell should be commended, not only because of his brilliance, but because of his tenacity to advance in the academic world during a time of harsh racial discrimination. 

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Math joke of the day:
Old mathematicians never die; they just lose some of their functions

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